
Sunday, 22 July 2012

Beauty Tip of the Day #8

When contouring your cheekbones with a powder, use a slightly pointed brush or a dense brush like the MAC 109 and start from next to the ear going down the cheekbone.  Go in small circular motions, avoiding a straight line down your face.  The circular motions, will blend the contour powder in to look like an actual shadow and give you definition rather than just a stripe!

face, contour, bronzer, stripe, bad, definition, shape

Also, less is more, start with a little product and gradually add more if needed.  Always better than using too much and then struggling to blend it out...

~ Shez ~ 


  1. Great advice. I've just started contouring a year ago (at 37!) and it's taken quite a bit of practise to get this right. Even now I think I get it wrong occasionally. Will give this technique a try. :)

    1. It can be hard to get that perfect balance - il be doing a post soon on how to contour, best brushes to use with before/after pics - hopefully ul find it useful :) xx


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